Our Mission

We’ve placed our primary values – Resurrection, Oakland, and Church – in our name so we never lose sight of them


Religion tends to be good advice about what we must do to be accepted by God.

Christianity is entirely different. It’s not good advice, but good news. It’s not about what we must do, but what God has done for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For broken, messy people, this is not simply good news – it’s the best news. We remind ourselves of this news every time we gather not simply because we think others need to hear it, but because we need to hear it.


God created this world, including Oakland, to flourish.
Where it thrives, He celebrates.
Where it hurts, He grieves.

As followers of Jesus, we want to reflect this. We seek to be the best citizens of Oakland. We love it, and we rejoice in all its good things.

At the same time, we seek to be the presence of Jesus in the broken places, the poor places, and the unjust places. Our desire is that we would be famous not for our sermons, our music, or our coffee, but for the way we give of ourselves to Oakland.


The good news of Jesus creates a new community – the church – that is meant to be a blessing to the world. We struggle together, suffer together, and celebrate together.

We are bound to each other by two commonalities.
First, need; none of us has it all together.
Second, grace; God has shown us his kindness in Jesus.

Our differences are many: race, class, politics, education. We are not natural friends, but we have been brought together by God to love one another and to serve our city.